miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016

El amigo oculto y los espíritus de la tarde.



Tras leer "La tierra del Sol y la Luna", me quedé fascinada con la forma de narrar de esta autora, de su sencillez, así es que me fuí a este libro ambientado en el mundo rural, del que me apetecía leer, y encima había sido Premio Lazarillo 1984.  La obra trata de la soledad y la despoblación rural.A veces, a la vida, le da "la ventolera" y te deja solo, y esto es lo que le paso al protagonista de este libro:Miguel,que pierde a su único pariente, a su abuelo, y se queda solo, a merced de un pueblo escondido entre montañas. Pero no es una soledad total: están los espíritus del pueblo (el José María, Cornelio el barbero, María la Paloma) que habitan los rincones de su mente por las historias que le contó el abuelo, y parecen cobrar vida por los rincones del pueblo; y también un extraño amigo oculto que con sus esquivas idas y venidas le ayuda en todo lo que puede. La trama se complica cuando aparecen en el pueblo unas gentes que parecen venidas de la ciudad.
Creo que se aprecian personajes nobles, humildes en su esencia, lejos de la ambición que trae la ciudad y el progreso, en la paz que trae lo rural , es más el niño, no quiere irse de allí, y los que son de la ciudad, buscan el pueblo como "vía de escape",  como "remanso de paz".
  El trabajo por lo esencial, por sobrevivir, el trabajo en equipo,valorando arreglar tu propia casa, viendo lo complicado que resulta poner una teja, alzar una tapia, ayudar a parir a una burra o salvar una cosecha de una riada inopinada, etc.
Creo el libro podría dar un bonito mensaje de no debemos olvidar nuestras raíces, cuando el niño dice: "...los sentimientos me iban empujando las palabras.Les hablé de mi abuelo, del viento de poniente, de mi madre, que tenía las raíces en el monte...y les hablé también de aquello  que mi abuelo decía de que sí yo me olvidaba de las cosas y las gentes del pueblo, el pueblo acabaría muriéndose del todo."
Un libro  misterioso, cargado de sencillez, valores y  humildad.

1 comentario:

  1. I just lost my man about three months ago though he is back again full of love and passion with the help of great man Dr. IKHIDE. I NORAH PEDRO from Norway, have been into a relationship with daniel mark since I was 22 years old and I am 28 now. I so much love him but I could not show the love, it was very difficult for me to prove my realness to him because I thought to prove my love to him might make him look down on me and go after other girls. for over six years Daniel has given me all that I ask of him. I always threatened him with break up each time I want to see his level of love for me because I was told if I threaten him, he will propose to me and then will get married to him before I can show my love despite his complains of him not sure of my love I was responding to him with negative words. though I was suspecting he has another girl in his life, I did not border to ask him about that because I was so sure of his love despite my attitude. on the 8th of September a day to my birthday he came and gave me so many lovely gifts like never before claiming to wish me a happy birthday in advance with his words and behavior I expected him to propose to me on my birthday night then I will also tell him of my pregnant for him. I wait for him on my birthday he did not show up not even a call, I tried his number and it was not going through I refuse to go check on him because the anger in me six days later I went to his house and I found nothing not even a sign of my Daniel once live there. I was disappointed, frustrated, confused with so many thoughts on my mind like hanging my self if I did not see him again because I can not my parent about the pregnancy when the man responsible for it had disappeared. our religion's against that, my family will be disappointed in me, I have brought them shame. I look for daniel everywhere till I could chat with him on social network, he warned me never to disturb him again because he already had found another girl that he wants to live his life with, after a while, he blocked me from all access then I could not tell him of my pregnancy for him. so, I needed help from all corners of life, I decide to check to google my self or read some write up on-site on how to coup with my pain because I could not tell anybody about it not even my friends were aware of my pregnancy. I keep reading to cancel my self till I find how Dr. IKHIDE helps so many persons from different walks of life with their testimonies. then I decide to also contact him with dr.ikhide@gmail.com. Because I do not know much about contacting a spell caster, I was not sure he can bring my Dan back but I decide to give him a try though his requirement was another problem I meet with a friend for help because I could not the items that he needed I have to plead with Dr. IKHIDE to help me get the items because really need my man back to take away my shame. just two days after I send him the requirement Daniel calls me, plead for forgiveness. just yesterday he propose to me and I am so happy. you can also contact him with email: - dr.ikhide@gmail.com or whatsapp :- +2349058825081
